About me

I am an active composer, music teacher, and organizer of music events. I share an occasional Music as Meditation concert with listeners and fellow musicians and I organize several concerts of new music each year. I use this blog to tell people about my musical endeavors and as a home for my virtual busking basket. If you want to support my musical efforts financially, please look for the donate button on the right-hand side of this page. You can find pages about The Davis Hill Studio on this blog. Look for the orange links on the right-hand side of the page.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Light, Come, Light


Many of us were recently in the dark when our region lost man-made light and power for a few days. That experience, which came at the very darkest time of year, brought with it the truth that light comes out of the dark; that light is the reciprocal of dark and we can't have light or dark without the other—they are balance itself.

On Sunday, February 5 at 3 PM at the Fryeburg New Church at 12 Oxford Street, Fryeburg, Ellen Schwindt and friends offer a program of mostly classical music and readings titled Light, Come, Light.

Fryeburg New Church recently purchased a Chickering grand piano. The new instrument fills a beautiful sanctuary with resonance. In the vibrations of the music and light in the room, there is space for enjoyment and rest. To share the gift of this new piano, the Fryeburg New Church is hosting this concert. Music on the program includes solo piano pieces composed by Schwindt, a violin and piano sonata by W.A. Mozart that is filled with light and dark passages, and a pastorale praising light that comes from darkness. Admission to this concert is free, but donations are gratefully accepted and will support more community music events. For more information or if you have a reading or piece of music that celebrates the return of light, please contact Ellen Schwindt at ellen.m.schwindt@gmail.com.